Welcome to BroadCast! A new way of doing social media.
Live in the present not the past, message and post with confidence!
No more getting canceled for s**t you said years go!
This is a new way of doing social media. Live in the present not the past, message with confidence!
Broadcast what’s going on, then watch it expire automatically!
No more digital hoarding! Why do we need to save every photo, message, and comment? Yea.. we don’t do that here.
Need time to read Broadcast? Add time from your time bank!
Sometime you just need more time to view a broadcast and we get that.
Create a private station and monetize your content.
Now you can monetize your content by creating a private station and broadcasting member-only content to your followers.
About Us
We are in the age of digital hoarding. Every photo, video, and comment you post is being saved. WHY? No one is going on your profile page and spending 2 hours trying to scroll through your 4,000 images. Who is really looking back at 4 years of content? No one! How do we know that? We did our research!
Social media used to be a place where people would connect with old friends and exchange experiences. Today, these apps are being used as tools to punish or silence the people who use them. Crazy algorithms that only show 1% of your friends’ content. The constant bombardment of ads trying to get you to click. That ends today with BroadCast!
Broadcast is a social media app that allows people to live in the moment. Allowing people to broadcast and message with confidence. Broadcaster’s conversations and posts are never saved. Providing a place to be heard and not punished.
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